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BLOG (7)

Nordic languages, some facts about them

The North Germanic languages are sometimes called the Nordic languages and comprise of Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish ( Finnish is not one of them!). These languages are not under the umbrella of the Scandinavian languages as this refers to the...

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What is the difference between Traditional and Simplified Chinese?

The Chinese language opens more than one billion doors for communication. Since less than 1% of Mainland Chinese are conversational in English, learning or translating into Chinese can act as a very powerful stimulant to your business as it enables...

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Brexit: the demise of English as an international language?

Much has been said about what may happen to the English language and the need for English translations once the UK is no longer a member of the European Union. One of the unforeseen consequences of Brexit is that Great Britain will no longer have...
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The Top Benefits of Using a Professional Japanese Translation Service

Many people wonder why they need to use a professional translation service. After all, an online translation tool could do just as well, couldn't it? Unfortunately, that line of thought couldn't be more wrong. Tools such as Google Translate can help...

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How many words does a professional translator translate per day?

You are not alone if you have ever wondered how many words a professional translator translates per day. Is there a limit to what a human translator can produce on a daily basis? This, however, is a tricky inquiry, and doesn’t have a definite...

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India needs more translation into European languages to advance its economic weight

The last decade has been great for India. Not only its economy has grown, but we can already see Indian heads at most big companies in the US and other countries, as CEO's or key personnel. This is not surprising: when we look at the recent...

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Japanese Translation Website Services is very important, but why?

Though it may seem to us that English is the universal language of the Internet, there are many societies that are deeply rooted in their culture and language. People in these societies are a potential consumer or user base for many businesses, but...

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Transcreation vs Translation: What are the differences?

Failing to engage in meaningful transcreation when introducing products to a foreign market can be costly. Do so at your peril. Marketing-oriented translation work is beset with potential hazards.

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Papua New Guinea is the country with the highest level of language diversity

Most people, even those who are not necessarily linguistic experts or translation professionals, know that there are thousands of languages in the world: around 7,000 languages classified as such. Every time a language becomes extinct, humankind...

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English to Spanish Translation Website - The importance of Having Quality

The advent of the Internet has provided business across the world with opportunities to expand globally. International business and exports are not just the realm of large companies with big marketing budgets and sales teams.

The EU has been working...

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