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Machine translation (MT) is not new. It has been around for more than half a century. However, significant advances have only recently been made in simulating human reasoning. This is due to the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence to the translation process.

And the result? Excellent language processing for more accurate and natural translations, as well as the ability to understand large volumes of text.

Nevertheless, there is a long way to go. MT still needs to be supervised by human translators. So, what does the future hold for AI translation? How will it affect language learning?

Learn about the future of AI translation in this article:


What is AI translation?

AI translation is a machine translation process based on complex deep learning algorithms. Using intelligent behavior, it can reason and understand a source text and generate another in a different language.

In order to understand the source and linguistically construct sentences in another language, a deep AI translator, or deep learning, employs a system of neural networks inspired by the workings of the human brain.

In machine translation, artificial intelligence has helped algorithms to improve parsing behavior, learn word usage, interpret according to context, and structure the sentence.


Learn more: How Can AI Document Translation Help You?



Do you know how AI translation can help your business?

ai translation

You will find in this ebook:

  • The applications of AI to the commercial world.

  • AI and language technology.

  • How AI language technology processing can help your business. 

  • The advantages of applying AI.

  • PangeaMT, our automatic natural language processing tool.



Evolution of AI Translation

Machine translation emerged in the 1960s. It was developed by humans and its main purpose was to produce first-draft translations to be later improved on by human translators.

In the 1990s, MT based on statistical models started being used. While this was a major advance, errors were still very significant. As a consequence, this method became intertwined with the previous one, creating more popular machine translation that came to be used worldwide.

Recently, in 2017, machine translation had a huge breakthrough thanks to the use of artificial intelligence through the application of neural networks and ai translation.

Statistics and probability in translation are therefore a thing of the past. At present, an AI translator runs a neural and artificial computer process based on how neurons in the human brain are interconnected to obtain reasoning and analysis that resembles a person's.


Recommended reading: The Importance of Data Cleansing in MT and Deep Learning


With the solutions that we apply, such as using AI in machine translation and other natural language processes, we improve the efficiency of our clients' businesses.


Pros and cons of AI Translation

For language learning, or in any other area, machine translation in AI entails several advantages:

  • Faster learning processes due to the use of mobile devices for learning and taking classes.

  • Useful for tourists when interacting with the natives of their destination country, thanks to software and mobile applications.

  • Fast, near-instantaneous results with high accuracy.

  • Translation in a large number of languages.

  • Convenience for the Internet user.

  • Generally, AI translation is integrated in web pages, facilitating the understanding of content in any language.

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Of course, there are always disadvantages, especially since this neural method in AI translation still needs further testing and a more complete database. Some of these disadvantages are:

  • Initial time cost. An AI-based program needs to be trained with lots of data to reach a point where it can deliver high-quality results.

  • Reliance on human translators. AI is not a rival to humans in the translation of emotive, impactful, and persuasive texts.

  • Confidentiality and Privacy. Free AI-based translation services are unlikely to comply with the highest data privacy standards. That's why it is so important to have a professional company that understands the GDPR perfectly.

It should be kept in mind that AI machine translation is based on human reasoning, but does not possess the ability to understand the emotional or cultural meaning of expressions. For example, the translation of ironic sentences is not usually very successful.

Current AI Translation technologies

The breakthrough in the processing methods performed by an AI translator has generated several current technologies. Their usage includes:

  • Translation using text recognition in images or voice recognition. Google Translate provides these functions.

  • Translation in communication using natural language in chatbots.

  • Microsoft provides this technology.

  • Real-time translation, especially for international business relations. An example of this is the technology provided by Waverly Labs audio devices.


Read more: How to Make the Most of AI-Based Translation: Pros and Cons


Typical AI Translation applications

More and more companies and sectors are joining AI translation services. Do you know the most typical uses in machine translation?

We show it in this list:

  1. Legal texts (international litigation) and law firms

  2. Financial institutions (banks, etc.)

  3. E-commerce

  4. Social networks

  5. Governments and public administrations

  6. Tourism, travel, hotel and hospitality businesses

  7. Media and communication

  8. Translation companies

  9. Printing/publishing

The future of AI Translation

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AI translation has brought with it great advances in the development of technologies that benefit us all, such as language learning and the understanding of any type of content anywhere in the world.

Consequently, the various technologies employing AI translation are advantageous for reinforcing classroom learning and self-learning.

But while the future of AI language translation may be evolving, it still does not surpass the human brain's power of analysis, creativity, socialization, and understanding and expressing emotions.

Perhaps an autonomous intelligence will be developed in the future, or maybe the human brain is insurmountable.

The truth is, AI translations still require human supervision. And in teaching, the presence of educators who help understand everything that builds a language beyond its words is essential.

AI Translation with Pangeanic

At Pangeanic, we always use advanced AI technology in combination with the supervision and review of experts and certified translators. This guarantees the accuracy and quality of our translations.

We offer Machine Translation services to law firms that require fast data evaluation in international litigation by integrating e-Discovery services. Our ECO Platform can translate documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint files and many other formats from our secure translation cloud or a licensed server.

Contact us for professional AI translation services. At Pangeanic, we specialize in intelligent translation, have our own technology, and can translate into any language.

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