After years of standstill and uncertainty about what the future held in all sectors, 2022 gave us a taste of long-forgotten "normality" as different ways of working and new opportunities emerged and stimulated markets.
The pandemic has left us with a fully digitized society, forcing companies to modernize or be left behind. This has brought along great business opportunities, since being digitally present allows them to reach a wider audience.
2022 felt like a breath of fresh air in the business world. For Pangeanic, it was a year of growth, especially in terms of the human factor and knowledge. Catherine Dauby, one of our Project Managers, returned to Japan to strengthen relations with our team and provide training tailored to the needs of the Asian market.
We were able to once again attend very important events, such as World AI Cannes (WAICF), Massively Multilingual Conference & Expo, by TAUS (San Jose), EAMT (Ghent), SwissText (Lugano), Language Intelligence @ Work Summit (Vienna), AI Summit NY (New York), etc. This doesn't mean we stopped attending the online presentations gathering hundreds of viewers organized by GALA, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, GDS, etc.
Keep reading:
What to expect in the coming year?
Entering a fully digitized era has had many consequences. Firstly, having to control different types of cyber threats to privacy and security and, secondly, the need to localize content in order to reach different audiences. This reinforces Pangeanic's importance in the market thanks to the solutions we provide.
Machine translation, anonymization, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, data... these are the latest trends in language technology that have probably already heard of. We have developed a multiservice platform called ECO. Among others, it can be used to anonymize documents using our MASKER tool to guarantee compliance with general data protection regulations, and to translate content using customizable and private machine translation engines.
This year brings with it several new features such as the improvement of our subscription system, a redesign of the ECO platform, and the launching of our new website. We continuously work on improving and innovating our products and services, as well as on implementing new solutions in line with market needs.
All this thanks to our team of experts in different areas and the work of our native linguists that allow us to always add the human component to all our solutions. We want to emphasize the "human-in-the-loop" part of our strategy when offering services, given that human supervision is still a necessary step in providing the highest quality. With human-in-the-loop, human intelligence intervenes when a machine has difficulty solving a problem. NLP solutions, data, translation... our team joins forces and brings new ideas to the table to improve all our services.
Keep reading:
Human-in-the-loop (HITL); making the most of human and machine intelligence
But what would become of our solutions if no one knew about them?
Attending events has always been one of our strengths. Our priority is to accumulate experience and knowledge about the ever-changing possibilities of the market.
This year you can find us at World AI Cannes (WAICF), GDS Security, GALA (Dublin), Web Summit Rio, LOCWorld (Malmo), EAMT (Tampere), DES (Malaga), AI Summit NY, etc., where attendees will be able to learn about our solutions and the latest news from our team. This in turn allows us to achieve another of our objectives, which is to open up to new markets and strengthen our position in those we are already present in.
We are confident that this year will provide us with the opportunities to continue growing, both internally and externally. Therefore, at Pangeanic:
We will continue to work on improving, innovating and developing language technology solutions adapted to a constantly growing and evolving market.
We expect to grow our talent pool with new professional integrations that will add to our progress.
We believe in nurturing the trust that our current and prospective clients place in us.