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Pangeanic Blog

BLOG (2)

Sensitive Data Masking: Techniques and How to Apply Them

Masking sensitive data means changing or hiding certain elements, segments or characters of the identifiers. It means protecting personal or confidential information, while obtaining a structure and format very similar to the real one, guaranteeing...

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Certified Translation Services: Everything You Need to Know

It is not all just about translating. Translation service providers must also implement robust quality control processes, possess the necessary technical and human resources for seamless project execution, maintain open and effective communication...

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New Approach to Sanctions for Data Protection Violations in the EU and EEA

European Data Protection Board sets guidelines for quantifying fines under GDPR and Data Protection Directive - 05/08/2023

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10 Tips for Choosing a Quality Interpreting Service

What does interpreting entail?

Interpreting is an essential tool for people who need to communicate with those who speak different languages. Professional interpreters can provide an instant, accurate and fluent translation of conversations,...

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5 Reasons for Using a Professional Translation Service

In today's competitive and globalized world, using a professional translation service has become a necessity for companies wishing to expand into foreign markets.

While some opt for ad hoc solutions or delegate translation to bilingual staff, we...

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Why Financial Institutions Should Partner with NLP Companies for PII Detection

Personally identifiable information (PII) is any information that can be used to identify an individual, such as their name, address, social security number, or date of birth. Financial institutions are required to protect PII by law, and they have...

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What to Expect From a Human Translation Agency

As markets become globalized and society transforms into a huge multilingual community, companies, and organizations increasingly require the assistance of a human translation agency.

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Worst Translation Mistake in History

The U.S. National Security Agency has declassified a document that points to what could be the worst translation mistake in history.Or, at least, a mistake that led to what may have been the most serious consequences in the history of translation....

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The 4 pillars of Ethical AI – and why they’re important to Machine Learning

Working closely with our clients in the building of Ethical AI systems permeates Pangeanic’s culture and everything we do. But we not only talk the talk but walk the walk. To this end, we want to make public our conscious efforts in data collection,...

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Why Your Company Needs a Language Translation Tool

If your company has several applications, web pages, contracts, manuals, product descriptions, user guides, etc., that need to be translated into one or several other languages, you need to acquire andimplement a language translation tool that will...

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