Synthetic Data vs Anonymized Data
What is synthetic data?
Synthetic data is data that has been artificially generated from a model trained to reproduce the characteristics and structure of the original data.
Synthetic data is data that has been artificially generated from a model trained to reproduce the characteristics and structure of the original data.
The arrival of deep learning poses a particularly optimistic conundrum in the development of Artificial Intelligence: what if machines were capable of learning on their own, in the same way that we humans do?
Data masking is essential to ensure the privacy of sensitive data. By eliminating sensitive information or replacing it with fictitious or altered data, its exposure is reduced and the privacy of the individuals or entities involved is protected....
Conventional AI-based models aim to solve a given task from scratch by training and using a fine-tuned learning algorithm, but meta-learning seeks to improve that same learning algorithm, through various learning methods.
Thus, meta-learning is a...
If you are a content manager and own a business, you know how much time writing takes. One of your writers may produce content for your blog every week, for example, a content-rich article of about 1,000 words. It soon adds up to 10,000 words of...
The clarity of annotation guidelines is a key building block to obtain quality data used to train machine learning models. Proper training and annotation guidelines for human labelers are key factors directly determining how well those models will...
Computer vision data sets are essential for training machine learning models to detect objects, faces, and other visual features. However, it can be difficult to know what to annotate and how to do it correctly.
The rise of eLearning has made education more accessible than ever before. The eLearning industry is valued at $315B in revenue, which makes it a lucrative sector many companies are stepping into. However, eLearning providers face one challenge:...
Text-to-speech (TTS) technology transforms written text into audio format with a human-like voice. It is based on natural language processing and machine learning algorithms and can be used on a wide...
On March 22, 2023, we attended SlatorCon Remote, an online event where language industry experts and leaders came together to discuss this fascinating industry that is in constant growth. Some of the hot topics are new emerging markets and how...