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Pangeanic Blog


Differences between anonymized aggregate data, de-identified data and anonymous data

Using data is essentialfor companies, institutions and public entities, whether it be for decision-making or to carry out scientific, economic or social studies.

However, to make use of data (store it, share it, analyze it, etc.), personal...

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The Imperative of Data Anonymization: Constructing Ethical AI Frameworks

We live in the age of data-driven decision-making. Data has become the new oil, and personal data is one of the most refined fuels. As a result, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, profoundly influencing every sector...

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What is the HIPAA privacy rule and how does it affect machine translation?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule was developed in response to the healthcare sector's growing reliance on information technology to enhance service delivery efficiency. Thus, the intention behind it is to protect data privacy in a complex landscape such as...

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GenAI, the Branch of Artificial Intelligence That Will Spark Many Discussions in 2023

Although you would think the term "Generative AI" is a relatively new concept, this is not necessarily the case. We have been surrounded by artificial intelligence for quite some time, perhaps since MIT created ELIZA in 1966. ELIZA was a...

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The Disadvantages of Back Translation and Synthetic Data in Machine Translation Systems

What are back translation and synthetic data?

Back translation and synthetic data are two popular and common techniques used to augment training datasets for Machine Translation (MT) systems and to enhance their performance.

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The Importance of Human Parallel Data and Translations in Training MT Systems

It is a rare occurrence to find a spare 30 minutes in Manuel Herranz's busy schedule as Pangeanic's CEO. However, the topic of today's interview holds significant value for audiences who have been exploring Large Language Models, GenAI, and AI in...

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What Are Transformers in NLP: Benefits and Drawbacks

A Transformer is a type of deep learning architecture that uses an attention mechanism to process text sequences. Unlike traditional models based on recurrent neural networks, Transformers do not rely on sequential connections and are able to...

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Audio Data Augmentation: Techniques and Methods

Data augmentation is a technique commonly used in machine learning and computer visionto artificially increase the size and diversity of a training data set. It consists of applying several transformations or modifications to existing data samples,...

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The Advantages and Inconveniences of Human Translation: A Comparative Analysis

Human translation remains superior to machine translation (MT) because only human translation can achieve the quality necessary to preserve the style, tone and intent of the text to be translated. Machines are not capable of understanding at the...

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The Proofreading Phase in Translation: Importance and Best Practices for Quality Assurance

The proofreading phase in translation is an opportunity to perfect translated content and transcend boundaries, conveying the same message and intent to the target audience.

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