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Dos and Don'ts in Content Translation

Among the strategies used by a brand or company to increase its visibility is the application of content marketing. This consists of creating valuable and relevant content that the target audience emotionally connects with and includes SEO elements for search engine optimization.

But this connection between the content and a given audience is contingent upon the language and culture. Therefore, when that company needs to expand into an international market and reach countries with other languages, the content must be translated and adapted to the new international audience.

Consequently, a type of specialized translation is required. A strategy in which it is determined what should be reproduced exactly and what should be modified for the new target audience. Content translation is therefore necessary.



What is content translation?


Content translation is one of the most challenging fields of translation. It consists of understanding content that has been designed to attract and appeal to a specific audience, in order to adapt it to another language and market.

This content can be presented in different formats, for example, blog posts, social media posts, podcasts, videos, newsletters, etc.

Content translation is part of the strategies for business globalization. The goal of these translations is to adapt content that is targeted to customers, or potential customers, in order to provoke the same emotional effect on the new audience.


Why is content translation so important?


The importance of content translation lies in the power of the content itself. Only the appropriate content can be used to make a brand visible in search engines, attract future customers, retain current customers and create marketing campaigns. And that is what this type of translation does - it delivers the appropriate content.

Just as brands use content marketing to increase their authority and gain audience trust and credibility, content translation is equally important for globalized companies or those wishing to internationalize.

Content translation is the only way for content created as a strategy for attracting customers within an audience to be adapted for use in another language and address new markets.



Common mistakes in content translation


In content translation, due to inexperience or lack of knowledge of the requirements, some of the following errors may arise:

  • Using incorrect words. Due to lack of experience, phrases that do not have an equivalent in the target language may be used. For example, Latin phrases like de facto or habeas corpus.
  • Using an inappropriate tone and/or style. Knowing how to use the target language's punctuation and how to adjust style and tone according to the content is essential. Translating a movie script is not the same as translating a commercial contract.
  • Translating a language or specialized content that you do not master. A translator must have extensive knowledge of the target language and its culture. In the case of specialized translation (legal, medical, financial etc.), the translator must also be specialized in the subject matter.
  • Ineffective communication with the client. If the translator and the client do not communicate clearly, requirements may not be understood and, most likely, mistakes will be made in the final translation.
  • Word-for-word translation. Each language has its own syntax, concordance and rules. Literal translations can lead to content that makes little to no sense.
  • Exaggerating the meaning of some terms. To avoid making this mistake, it is important to be clear on the client's requirements and work according to the type of content. A technical manual is not the same as a literary work.
  • Abandoning continuous learning can lead to errors due to unfamiliarity with a new word. Language is constantly evolving and new terms and expressions emerge. Therefore, it is vital for the translator to keep up-to-date.



Tips for good content translation


Content translation requires knowledge, accuracy and a certain set of skills. Beyond the language and its idioms, a translator must understand the target culture. In addition, following these tips is always useful:

  • Read the source text in full to facilitate overall understanding and subsequent translation.
  • Understand and follow the instructions.
  • Use translation tools with caution.
  • Read and check translated content. Review syntax, eliminate errors, remove unnecessary abbreviations, etc.
  • Study and become a grammar expert.
  • Use simple words and short sentences, if the subject matter allows it.
  • Use terminology consistently. Excessive synonyms can diminish the clarity of the translated content.
  • Include keywords appropriate to the target language to help with SEO.
  • Use a company specialized in content translation services.


For an international organization that is entering new markets and looking to expand its business, it is essential to use the services of a specialized provider that works with the appropriate software for this type of translation.

At Pangeanic, we provide website translation and localization services to adapt the content to the needs of the target audience and position it in search engines.

Our technologies allow you to automate the translation process, use the desired format and guarantee high quality and consistency. This way, potential customers will have a connection with your content anywhere in the world.

At Pangeanic, we can advise you on the type of translation services that your business requires.

