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Pangeanic Blog

DATA (2)

Data Discovery and Anonymization Toolkits

These days, intelligent data discovery tools allow organization leaders to accelerate analysis, benefit from AI-powered suggestions, detect what is most important in a timely manner, and perform the necessary actions or corrections.

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What Is Bias and How Do We Perceive It?

The term bias is defined as a distortion of judgment in favor of or against something or someone. There are various subgroups and types of biases, such as gender bias or cultural, political, statistical, or cognitive biases, etc.

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6 Personal Data Anonymization Techniques You Should Know About

Organizations generate and store a large amount ofinformation across their departments, from personal data to purchasing behavior and location details. This information can be very valuable when carrying out research and development projects,...

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Data Protection and Anonymization in the Context of Financial and Legal Services

The GDPR obliges organizations, companies and institutions to protect citizens’ data so that it is not used by third parties, and to minimize the data being released. On the basis of this obligation, INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency)...

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