ProZ Freelance Translator Virtual Conference – Translation3 Machine Translation Trends – Panel with Jeff Allen & Elia Yuste, moderated by Anas...
Pangeanic's machine translation technologies from division PangeaMT and its involvement within the EXPERT program will be presented at the poster session of the European MT Machine Translation Summit XIV which will take place in Nice, 2-6th September.
Pangeanic is attending as a member of the EU-funded Marie Curie consortium EXPERT (EXPloiting Empirical appRoaches to Translation). The aim of this EU-funded action is to train young researchers, namely Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs), promoting research, development and the use of hybrid LT (language translation) technologies. Like other partners in the consortium, Pangeanic is to contribute to different project stages. At the end of the project, the technological division PangeaMT will oversee the implementation and evaluation of the new hybrid computer-aided translation technology proposed in EXPERT. The company will also collaborate by (co-)hosting and supervising a number of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers. Some topics of interest for the translation industry are the use of language technology to improve matching & retrieval in translation memories which the University of Wolverhampton will undertake, as well as the investigation of methodologies to evaluate the improved SMT, EBMT and TM prototypes and new hybrid computer-aided translation technology. This R&D project will last for four years (48 months). It involves the development of next generation translation-related technologies with the aim to address the needs of both translators and technical developments in their job specification and market as well as EU multilingual policy. Other partners, like the University of Amsterdam will exploit hierarchical alignments for - linguistically-informed SMT models to meet the hybrid approaches that aim at compositional translation; and - for a semantically-enriched SMT system that offers an extension to existing TMs to allow incremental, recursive partial match of the input using hierarchical constructions containing variables The pan-European consortium is comprised of several leading universities and research groups in Europe. Pangeanic provides cover within a work package (implementing and testing hybrid machine translation technologies). It will also research translators’ requirements from translation technologies and work on confidence estimation of corpus-based approaches to translation.[caption id="attachment_1142" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Expert Consortium Partners[/caption]The research project has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement no. [317471]Related Articles
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ProZ Freelance Translator Virtual Conference - Translation3 Machine Translation Trends – Panel with Jeff Allen & Elia Yuste, moderated by Anas Tawileh