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Pangeanic translation technology in the press

Pangeanic's translation technology developments have often been the focus of international media and think tanks, like TAUS or Localization World, where we have showcased our technologies and Use Cases.

Now, Pangeanic's efficient translation workflows using Moses-based machine translation customized developments have also attracted local media attention.

The prestigious Spanish newspaper printed a 3-page report with a full description of the company's history, star use cases and applications, renown machine translation applications and developments. (Click here to obtain a free PDF of the article:  inno14oct.pdf)

Days ago, Valencia's regional Finance Minister was interviewed by the online newspaper  20minutos. He quoted Pangeanic's taking part in the  Valencian Global program and  machine translation technologies as key to create an "innovation ecosystem" that can create "highly qualified jobs" due to its significant technological component.

Pangeanic expects to grow its services as a result of taking part in the program and expand its global sales network.

Pangeanic has also appeared in other digital media, such as  notasdeprensa, again within the Valencian Global internationalization framework and  entornointeligente, about its business development and coaching with leading entrepreneurship figures like MIT's Bill Aulet.

Next time you think languages, think Pangeanic Machine Translation Engines from PangeaMT

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