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Pangeanic sponsors School of Advanced Technologies for Translators, introduces neural machine translation technologies

Manuel Herranz will introduce Pangeanic's neural machine translation developments and its long-standing policy to make post-editing mainstream amongst its translators at SATT2017, organized by Fondazione Bruno Keller in Trento. SATT is a conference that brings expert knowledge from machine translation developers, large translation companies, researchers and industry experts so attendees can keep up to date with the latest trends in the translation industry and natural language processing. SATT is an interesting event for translation professionals, translation students entering the profession, language service providers, as well as teachers involved in translators’ training.

Pangeanic sponsors SATT 2017

Several key researchers will speak at SATT 2017, like Andy Way from the ADAPT Centre in Dublin, Alessandro Cattelan, leading figure at MateCat. There will also be commercial talks from translation companies like Welocalize and developers like Lilt. Pangeanic's CEO will intervene in a roundtable with leading international language service providers, providing fresh input on developments on the neural front, innovation, EU-sponsored research and national research in Spain, etc. The panel will share knowledge and experience about growing businesses and current trends in the translation industry. Without exception, the most innovative translation companies are turning to hybrid machine translation and increasingly neural to satisfy the growing demands on productivity and faster turnarounds. The panel will discuss issues such as
  • how translation companies view the translator’s profession in 2017 and in the future,
  • what skills are the most sought after and will be required from language professionals,
  • what strategies are language companies using to promote MT technology adoption in the translator community,
  • how translators can best promote their MT and post-editing skills.
Pangeanic sponsors SATT 2017 The aim of the school is to reduce the gap between professional translators and current/future trends in the translation industry as they develop and become common in the marketplace. Machine translation and post-editing technologies are obviously too hot topics in our industry. The School's long-term plan is to establish a yearly reference venue for translators and language service providers who want to be updated on the newest technologies and trends.