Try ECO LLM Try ECO Translate

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Presentation: Translation Technologies LocWorld

Pangeanic's Manuel Herranz was an invited speaker part in the Pre-Conference session 09 of Localization World last Wednesday, June, 12th. During the Showcases, Pangeanic helped to promote the industry's informed use of machine translation and PangeaMT's developments. Automated re-training and cleaning and the direct application of machine translation to applied production were of particular interest to the audience. There were questions about implementation post-editing as a service, about machine translation output being accepted by translators and their resistance to new processes and to become post-editors, about metrics when measuring engine updates, etc. [caption id="attachment_1057" align="alignright" width="270"] Q&A time at LocWorld London 2013 Machine Translation - Courtesy of Aspect Ukraine Q&A Time - Courtesy of Aspect Ukraine[/caption] The TAUS Machine Translation Showcases conference provided an overview of adoption and usage patterns followed by a series of crisp and pointed presentations from academia ( Hieu Hoang) and languages service providers like LexWorks incorporating MT into their service offerings. Among the guest speakers at the conference there was Pangeanic's CEO Manuel Herranz who talked about his company experience in developing machine translation applications, since Pangeanic was the first language service provider to successfully apply Moses within a commercial setting (see the EU research program Euromatrixplus). It has been a big opportunity for Pangeanic since we had the honor to attend and discuss future technological developments with world authorities in the Machine Translation field as Hieu Hoang (a leading figure within  Moses development and researcher at the University of Edinburgh), Udi Hershkovich (International Trade Award and Excellence Recognition for Outstanding Performance winner), Lori Thicke (founder of LexWorks) and Rahzeb Choudhury (responsible for the development, content, communications and delivery of all TAUS services). " I used to be a translator, now I run MT", with these words Manuel Herranz explained that this new wave of evolution in the translation industry will enable translators to become data handlers and acquire a new role beyond the TM management they are used to. They will (already are) able to mix and match data with pre-built engines, add new material and service pre-translations for fast post-editing. True, since 2011 and thanks to Pangea Machine Translation, small agencies, translation departments and freelance translators can create  their own engines at will.