Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic’s CEO and PangeaMT’s chief strategist, has been invited to speak at the European Commission DGT (Directorate-General for...
Pangeanic's consortium has been a awarded the largest EU contract by CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) to supply infrastructure services to the European Union in the field of Digital Service Infrastructures, and particularly machine translation. We led a winning consortium with other machine translation companies (KantanMT, Prompsit, Tilde) and consulting company Everis which received the support of public administrations in Spain, the Republic of Ireland and Latvia. The contract,
worth 1,9 million Euros is practically one third of the overall infrastructure budget. IADAATPA (Intelligent, Automatic Domain Adapted Automated Translation for Public Administrations) will deliver a scalable and highly secure platform for the provision of automated translation services capable of integrating, using and extending the EU’s current Automated Translation platform (MT@EC). It will help foster the adoption of the Automated Translation Building Block by easing the integration of automated translation into cross-border European digital services and serve as a successful use case for future implementations at local, regional and national levels and by different administrations. The action will incorporate a series of state-of-the-art domain-adapted Machine Translation engines based on statistical and neural networks which will be deployed and tested by the IADAATPA Public Administrations early adopters in Spain, the Republic of Ireland and Latvia. These Public Administrations will validate the platform and its services. It will also add an automatic mechanism to compare translation quality engines, based on technology developed by a previously funded QTLaunchPad project.
The IADAATPA platform will include “intelligent domain adaptation” ensuring that translation requests are ‘routed’ to the most appropriate and relevant machine translation engine. It will also provide a dashboard style Control Panel displaying performance and routing statistics to validate the best association of machine translation engine and content type. It will provide both synchronous and asynchronous access, along with segment and document translation services, extending the capabilities of the existing
MT@EC translation service. The IADAATPA platform will be a
conformant eDelivery Service. It will utilize existing e-SENS AS4 (Domibus) secure components in order to guarantee a standardised message exchange protocol for interoperable, secure and reliable data exchange between DSIs and MT Providers. This will ensure that the IADAATPA platform can be deployed across other digital services, by other MT providers and technology developers after the successful implementation of this action.
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Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic's CEO and PangeaMT's chief strategist, has been invited to speak at the European Commission's Directorate-General for...
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