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Do you need to translate English into French?

"I need to translate English to French" or "I'm attaching some documents to quote for translation into French" are some of the common requests we receive at Pangeanic. A quote to translate into French from English is one of our most popular online queries.

Do you need our French Translation Services? Contact us!


We will help you every time you need to translate English into French, whether you have documents for which you need accurate French translation services at competitive prices or even translate your website into French. We will crawl your website and let you know how many words you need to translate into French within minutes. It is technology that makes our translation company efficient and fast - we do not cut corners nor underpay our French translators.

Many studies in the US and Europe suggest that when Internet users are looking for information and particularly when making a purchase decision, people choose language sections or websites in their native language.

Many online purchasing choices are based on language preference - and with 29 countries in the world where French is the official language and with close to 400 million speakers which include several European countries and most of Africa, it makes sense to translate your website into French. It is clear that having an ISO certified translation company like Pangeanic to translate from English to French, whether it is for technical documentation or to translate a website into French has become essential nowadays. But you need more than that. You need to choose the translation company that has capable human resources and a good recruitment policy so the French translators that will translate your documents are the best French linguists for your needs.

Pangeanic has the team and the experience to help you with your document translation into French.

A French language website will address 29 French-speaking countries and nearly 400 million speakers around the world.

Translate French into English

Yes, our legal document translation services, technical document translation services or medical  document translation services can also look after your translation needs when you need to translate French into English. This is when you need expert French English translators with the best translation tools in the market.


Further information:  French Translation Services


Pangeanic will

  1. Analyze the text and offer full French document translation management services.
  2. Create French translation databases. Also called Translation Memories, every translated segment is saved in a database so it can be "recalled" - you will never pay twice for the same or even similar sentence.

  3. Develop English French terminology to apply to all your translation projects. Correct terminology is essential and establishing the right preferential terms before starting a translation can save hours, if not days, of unnecessary checking after translation. When you need to translate English to French, particularly technical documentation, ask the client to approve preferential terms beforehand. Many companies use precise terminology as a differentiator in the market: enforcing company terminology means that users identify general concepts with your brand. Everyone can remember examples of products whose name has eventually become a generic product definition.

  4. Provide native French speaker editing and proofreading services/review. We use state-of-the-art translation tools to verify that French style and adequate French terminology in the field have been followed.