The Japanese Technical Communicators Association (JTCA) has invited Pangeanic's CEO Manuel Herranz as an invited guest speaker to the TC Symposium...
Billions of consumers and companies across the world use the Internet as the basis of their business. They do so in many languages: transactions are multilingual websites act as a lighthouse and a magnet to guide attract new clients and build loyalty brands. In 2016, approximately
52% of China’s population used the Internet on a daily basis. Internet population statistics are heavily Asian by any count.
The TAUS Translation Technology Webinar started in 2014 and gives technology providers an opportunity to showcase their unique solutions, technologies, and tools. The one-hour webinar is held every month, in conjunction with experts from two leading companies. Online registration is required if you intend to participate in the webinar.
Visit TAUS website for registration. Registrants will receive an invitation to each month’s webinar, as well as overviews of the agenda for upcoming webinars.
Recomended Reading:
Into how many languages should you translate your website?
In order to accommodate the needs of business owners looking for fast multilingual communication, Pangeanic’s machine translation developments for its
PangeaMT platform and KantanMT have been selected to host the upcoming TAUS Translation Technology Webinar, which takes place on September the 7
th. Machine translation as an enabler of business transaction and knowledge dissemination are beyond question. Both companies will introduce the audience to some of the latest developments in machine translation technology in their platforms. TAUS’ monthly webinar is available to anyone interested in implementing machine translation technology or improving existing systems. The event will allow Pangeanic and KantanMT to showcase key features of their technologies to the participants, providing them a better insight into the benefits of machine translation technology. An expert panel and the audience will be able to ask questions to the presenters after the demonstrations. Speakers at the event include KantanMT ‘s Laura Casanellas and Pangeanic’s Alexander Raginsky, Alex Helle, and Manuel Herranz. PangeaMT is Pangeanic’s machine translation R&D division. It is responsible for the research and implementation of the latest techniques using statistical and hybrid approached to machine website translation. The division started operations in 2010 with the first version of Pangea, creating statistical machine translation engines for the
Japanese automotive industry and
Sony Europe, as well as software companies such as Sybase. Pangeanic will showcase PangeaMT’s free-standing machine translation platform, now at version 3. The latest version has received the support of EU research programs and funding, particularly the
European research program EXPERT Project with 5 European Universities: Wolverhampton and Sheffield (UK), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Malaga (Spain), Universitaet des Saarlandes (Germany), all leading centers of translation studies and machine translation research. Version 3 adds more features so users can develop, manage, and customize machine translation engines by themselves
in their own private environments, not using the cloud. For those that are interested in
using the cloud for training MT engines and servicing machine translation output, it will be imperative to watch Laura Casanellas’ seminar. Her presentation will focus on KantanMT’s platform, with the intent of educating the attendees on key features and basics of the highly innovative translation platform. After the presentation, Ms Casanellas will open up a discussion form to allow the attendees to express their opinions and ask questions.
TAUS Translation Technology Webinar

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