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Successful European Machine Translation Summit 2013

The transformation to a technology translation company has enabled Pangeanic to become a technology partner within the Marie Curie consortium EXPERT. manuel_herranz_introducing_EXPERT_EAMT Pangeanic consortium will provide a DIY SMT machine translation platform within this EU-funded project. It will offer access to its machine translation engine automated retraining technology, MT training texts cleaning routines in TMX format and other technology areas. The project has a 4-year duration, and was introduced to the audience by Manuel Herranz, CEO of Pangeanic. The annual EAMT conference is held annually in the French city of Nice. It brings together machine translation experts, machine translation application developers, users, technology integrators, academics and European research projects partners. The research project has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement n°[317471]