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Pangeanic’s CEO at European Commission DGT today

Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic’s CEO and PangeaMT’s chief strategist, has been invited to speak at the European Commission DGT (Directorate-General for Translation) in Brussels. He will be offering the language industry’s current perspective on Machine Translation, sharing experiences on building an in-house machine translation system based on Moses. The conference itself, entitled Translators and Machine Translation, is geared at raising further awareness on translation automation technologies and best practices. During the talk, other specialists in developing machine translation systems will join. Implementation cases using Moses as an advanced retrieval tool from the EU's Portuguese Department will also be explained to a large community of staff EU translators. Manuel will discuss the steps Pangeanic has been taking, as a translation company, to make use of the European development Moses as open source in order to speed up translation processes for internal translation services to its clients, mostly within the automotive field, as well as for legal translations and technical translation services. Pangeanic has made extensive use of the European Commission’s DGT translation material after extensive cleaning procedures, as well as material coming from TAUS in order to train general engines. Customization efforts have taken place with clients' material in order to create custom-built translation engines. The conference program follows below. Please contact us if you need further details or would like to receive a copy of Manuel’s presentation later. Pangeanic at EU DGT
Directorate-General for Translation
Directorate R – Resources
R.3 – Informatics
G-12 3/21– JMO M6
14.15 Welcome and introduction
by Mr Piet Verleysen, Director for Resources, DGT
14.30 Machine translation technology – introduction
by Dr Andreas Eisele, Machine Translation Project Manager, Informatics unit, DGT
15.10 Machine Translation and translators: evidence from research
by Dr Sharon O’Brien, Lecturer in Translation Studies, School of Applied Language
and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland
15.50 Machine translation: the perspective of the language industry
by Mr Manuel Herranz, owner & senior strategy officer of the “Pangeanic” translation
company, Spain
16.30 Using machine translation in DGT: the experience and the perspective of a
language department
by Mr Hilário Leal Fontes, translator, Portuguese Language Department, DGT
17.00 Discussion
17.30 Closing
by Mr Josep Bonet, Head of the Informatics Unit, DGT