And this news is dedicated to our brave representatives of the Pangeanic running team. Its 10 members participated in all available disciplines, with Luis Agustín Escriche managing a very meritorious third place since in the 10k Munich half marathon, while the other 9 participants achieved their best personal marks. Pangeanic believes that one of the ways to better collaborate with the society is through the promotion and sponsorship of cultural, educational and sporting events which give back to society part of what is generated as an economic activity.
Pangeanic's sponsorships have included building schools in the Sahel (Northern Cameroon) for early childhood education and the inclusion of women, the sponsorship of conferences to raise funds against multiple sclerosis and rare diseases, funding cultural musical exchanges between bands in Shanghai (China) and Benimaclet (Valencia), as well as the participation in sporting events such as the Amsterdam Marathon and the non-stop 770 km cycling race between Madrid and Lisbon.
Classification - Luis Agustín Escriche from Pangeanic Team in 3rd position.