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Pangeanic in CASMACAT machine translation workbench EU Research User Group

May 26, Valencia – Pangeanic has become a member of the CASMACAT machine translation workbench EU Research User Group, led by University of Edinburgh's Prof. Philipp Koehn, Valencia's Polytechnic's Prof. Francisco Casacuberta and Copenhagen Business School Prof. Michael Carl and Celer Soluciones as an industry partner. "We are very excited to be in the front line of EU research for the next generation of machine translation tools and applications and of course, Casmacat's workbench", said Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic's CEO. "Pangeanic is bringing expertise in hard-to-crack languages, with little or no affinity like Altaic languages (Japanese), Chinese into and from English, and morphologically-rich languages like German, plus compatibility with real-life translation scenarios, where companies have to translate format-rich content which includes many types of tags and different xml flavors. We hope that the tests and experiments we are conducting with the top of European research will enhance our own machine translation service product lines at PangeaMT and provide more efficient and user-friendly post-editing methods". Casmacat Machine Translation Workbench Whilst the benefits of machine translation to speed publication and translation processes are no longer argued, post-editing and the acceptance of the technology by translators as a productivity tool is often a difficult hurdle for translation companies and translation departments. CASMACAT aims at providing interactive methods to engage translators by using several post-editing techniques, from confidence score color identification to suggestions. Pangeanic's role is to test the latest in research in real translation processes in provide feedback to researchers and customize a version of the machine translation workbench. More information: