Pangeanic's CEO & European Managers will attend Localization World in Berlin, June 8 - 10, 2009, held at the Maritim proArte in Berlin Germany. The...
Pangeanic has been officially invited as a guest speaker in TAUS meeting in Portland , Oregon in October 2009. “We are thrilled and honored to be able to present our MT solution to a distinguished audience” said Manuel Herranz, Senior Strategy Officer at Pangeanic. “Our MT solution has been discreetly applied as a tailored 1-1 solution for some of our clients. The R&D effort in 2008 and 2009 culminates with PangeaMT, a domain-specific statistical machine-translation application providing TMX output in FIGS.” “Portland could not be a better venue to introduce PangeaMT to translation users worlwide”, he concluded.
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