Try ECO LLM Try ECO Translate

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PangeaMT technology and real-world implementations discussed in AMTA 2010 article, Denver CO, USA.

AMTA 2010 The Ninth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Denver, Colorado October 31—November 4, 2010 Pangeanic took part as a speaker at AMTA 2010, that is, the 9th AMTA Conference Edition held at the Westin Tabor Center de Denver, Colorado, with the article entitled PangeaMT – putting open standards to work… well. Presented by Elia Yuste, Pangeanic BDM, this reflects the collaborative effort between Pangeanic and their technology partner, the ITI (Institute of Information Technology) at the UPV in Valencia, Spain. PangeaMT is presented from our standpoint as a LSP keen to develop and implement a cost-effective translation automation strategy that is also in line with our full commitment to open standards. Moses lies at the very core of PangeaMT but we have built several pre-/post-processing modules around it, from word reordering to inline mark-up parser to TMX/XLIFF filters. These represent interesting breakthroughs in real-world, customized SMT applications. The conference papers have now been made available from the conference website - ours as well! If you would like to get hold of a copy of the electronic presentation, please get in touch with Elia Yuste.