At the SwissText & KONVENS 2020 conference from June 23-25, 2020, Pangeanic presented the Multilingual Anonymisation toolkit for Public...
Only a few weeks to go for KTLC, one of the most significant translation industry events. This Poland-based conference with an international presence, will unite companies and professionals from around the world, allowing them to share new industry developments as well as learn from the most relevant companies in the LSP industry.
Technology and translation, the future of LSPs
KTLC 2021 online is one of the most influential industry forums where translation experts can learn, network and discuss the future of the industry. The most exciting themes arising from this year's conference are growth, automation and professionalization (GAP). The rise in digitalization and acquisition of tools are directly impacting translation companies' workflows. This trend of language technology solutions penetrating the market is promising for those companies looking to boost their competitiveness in the sector. That being said, it's taking advantage of these technological innovations that also seems to be challenging the industry. Combining human translation expertise and specialization with artificial intelligence is Pangeanic's mission. It's essential for the industry to benefit from services that optimize translators' time. Likewise, products that respond to new market and customer needs are vital.ECO: Platform for intelligent linguistic data processing
ECO is already used by many language service providers who can now automate and improve their multilingual content workflows. Continue reading: Pangeanic's ECO selected as main Europeana multilingual tool The recently upgraded platform developed by Pangeanic allows users to obtain actionable information from text data, comply with privacy regulations, perform automatic translations, and obtain training data for AI, among other functions.Pangeanic, Gold Sponsor of the KTLC
As specialists in the development of technology solutions for the translation industry, Pangeanic is proud to sponsor KTLC. On the 30th of september, 11:15h, our experts M. Ángeles García and Jesús Fenellós will be talking about our Deep Adaptive ECOsystem: MT + Human in the loop.Ángeles García, Pangeanic's Senior Tech Project Manager, said: "We're very excited about our participation in the KTLC2021 event. It's a great opportunity to be able to raise awareness of this new approach to work –we’re finding it's becoming more and more widespread. The use of new technologies play a crucial role in this new way of working. Machine translation is here to stay, now we just have to decide how to make the best use of it. Pangeanic can be of great help for companies entering this new trend. Join us and we’ll explain how."
Want a discount code?
Join the KTLC and translation and localization experts at one of the biggest events of the year. Here is a 10% discount code that you can activate when you buy your ticket! Enter Regular Registration and type the code KTLC2021Pangeanic10 at the Discount code box.Related Articles
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