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Pangea Machine Translation at European Association for Machine Translation

Pangea technologies within EXPERT program will be featured at the poster session of the European MT Summit 2013. Pangeanic is attending as a member of the EU-funded Marie Curie consortium EXPERT (EXPloiting Empirical appRoaches to Translation). The aim of this EU-funded action is to train young researchers, namely Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs), to promote the research, development and use of hybrid language translation technologies. Several assumptions have been made for the advancement of the language industry and future generations of technologically-minded decision makers in Europe
  • To date, MT tools not designed to aid professional translators. Shortcomings: user-unfriendly interfaces, lack of awareness of translator's feedback, etc.
  • TM systems also perform poorly for texts that have not been translated before.
  • No clear boundaries – both technologies meant to help humans to produce high quality, reliable, fast and cheap translations.
  • EXPERT will seek accommodate requirements of both user types: professional translators and readers of translations
  [caption id="attachment_945" align="alignright" width="150"] PangeaMT plain text machine translation portal PangeaMT plain text machine translation portal[/caption] Like other partners in the consortium, Pangeanic is to contribute to different project stages by (co-)hosting/supervising a number of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers with a focus on:
  • implementation and evaluation of the new hybrid computer-aided translation technology
  • investigation of translators’ requirements from translation technologies
  • confidence estimation of corpus-based approaches to translation
This 48-month R&D project involves the development of next generation translation-related technologies to address the needs of both translators and the EC multilingualism policy. The consortium is comprised of several leading universities and research groups in Europe:
  1. Research Group in Computational Linguistics, University of Wolverhampton, UK (coordinator)
  2. Universidad de Málaga, Spain
  3. University of Sheffield, UK
  4. Universitaet des Saarlandes, Germany
  5. Dublin City University, Ireland
  6. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
plus three technological partners
  1. Pangeanic, Spain
  2. Translated srl, Italy
  3. Wordfast, France
and two language service providers
  1. Hermes Traducciones y Servicios Lingüísticos, SL, Spain
  2. Celer Soluciones Lingüísticas SL, Spain