Today we review the rich history and evolution of the Swahili language, an African language that is becoming a hallmark of the African continent and...
The European Union has suffered a language issue as language as acted as a barrier to trade. Human translation services have been slow to adapt to the growing needs and machine translation technologies have been seen as a technological solution for fast translation - particularly for online business, eCommerce, etc. However, the question of what happens when online shopping translation mistakes affect the quality of online shopping or who pays for disputes between companies in one country and consumers that speak another language somewhere else has always been a stumbling block. According to reports by Language Tech Market News, the EU wants to be the driving force in eliminating some of the barriers that hold back Europe's digital single market. On February 15, the European Commission launched its Alternative / Online Dispute Resolution (ADR / ODR) platform. The platform aims to make “consumers and traders more confident in trading online and across borders”. The aim is also to avoid legal battles with the Commission’s website saying that “if consumers have a complaint about a good or service they have bought, instead of going to court, they can choose Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).” The procedure for Online Dispute Resolution comes in 4 steps. When a consumer is unsatisfied he / she will
- Fill in the dispute form;
- The complaint will then be sent to company. The latter will propose an ADR entity to the consumer;
- The platform will transfer the complaint to that entity automatically;
- ADR entity will handle the case entirely online, with a target outcome expected in 90 days. The parties will need to agree which 1 of the more than 100 dispute resolution bodies they are going to use.