Pangeanic’s development team gathered important input on advances on machine translation hybridation from leading academic at the International...
Pangeanic has worked jointly with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures of California State University, Fresno to help students gain a broader perspective on the international scene of translation.
What does California State University offer?
Named Spanish 115: Basic Principles of Translation, this course is designed to give its students an introduction to the theory and practice of translation by applying different techniques and strategies through diverse, hands-on translation activities. At a more specific scope, the classes also include problem areas and concepts that are specific to Spanish<>English translations.
Pangeanic's collaboration with California State University
Upon the request of the University's Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Pangeanic has used its knowledge and savoir-faire to fully inform the students about what to expect when working with a translation agency as an in-house or a freelance translator. We have discussed aspects about the translation field that the students were unaware of such as ISO Standards that we follow (ISO 9001 and ISO 17100), our translation management system XTRF, our QA procedures, the types of services we provide such as DTP, revision, transcription, etc. and our training program for newly-graduated translators. [caption id="attachment_6963" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

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