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Machine translation research awarded by European Development Grants

FEDER fund award to advance Automation Algorithms in re-training and self-learning process in Statistical Machine Translation

Pangeanic has been awarded European Union funds under the FEDER programme through Valencia’s local government IMPIVA in order to advance our Statistical Machine Translation technologies. The award number is IMIDTA/2011/777. This is an extremely valuable award for Pangeanic as it enables the company to continue with its innovation efforts and improving its MT offerings. This award corroborates Pangeanic’s long-term drive to implement, develop and offer customized translation automation solutions that accelerate and reduce multilingual translation costs. Keywords: award, automation, algorithms, statistical machine translation

ESF fund award for R&D Statistical Machine Translation

Pangeanic has been awarded European Union funds under the ESF programme through Valencia’s local government IMPIVA for the R&D co-ordination work within the machine translation field carried out by Ms Elia Yuste, during 2011. This is the second year running Pangeanic receives these Research and Development Award funds. The award number is IMEXPB/2011/1. Keywords: research award, statistical machine translation
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