by Manuel Herranz Machine translation is a hot topic - and will be a hot topic for some years to come. But it is not only a hot topic with a lot of...
by Manuel HerranzIt is only when looking back in time that one realizes how much work has been done, how far we are from where we used to be ... what we call progress. That is what happened during our presentation at Localization World presentation of
PangeaMT machine translation technologies. Our presentation summarized how the mix of Pangea Machine Translation Technologies have enabled translation practitioners to empower themselves and be active in machine translation rather than just be
passive users or
passive post-editors. The platform is mostly based on open source developments to allow flexibility and customization, but it also includes proprietary cleaning filters, translation engine creation and retraining, dataset management and a very powerful set of statistics so users can see improvements every step of the way. Pangea is the history of a solution designed for translators, for applied language professionals. It is machine translation as a productivity enhancer - and these features are what have made a small internal project grow into a reference technology, and a concept (DIY SMT) used worldwide. Currently, the company is also part of the
EU-funded EXPERT (Empirical Approaches to Hybrid MT and Post-Editing). The story of Pangea DIY (S)MT will continue, applying its concept of flexibility and empowerment to language technologies, letting practitioners utilize their TMs as an engine-training tool, customizing their translation engines even with small data sets. [slideshare id=24510059&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no]
I Used To Be A Translator, Now I Run Machine Translation - TAUS #LocworldLondon 2013 from
Manuel Herranz
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