Quality translation services generally consist of three steps: translation, editing and proofreading. For projects with a large volume of words or ...
We pride ourselves in delivering consistent quality translations. This is not just what we say, it is what we do. Pangeanic recruits the best translators after carefully checking their credentials and running a skill test, which pays in the short and long run as we can deliver first-time right translations. You can download our eBrochure to find out more about our translation service.
In general, successful translation projects follow the following route:- Project Manager: Analyzes the text and offers a quote to the client based on a comparison with existing Translation Memories. and/or analysis with a CAT tool to identify repetitions if any.
- Project Manager: Prepares the file for translation according to client’s instructions. For instance, if there is a TM with previous approved content available, blocking 100% matches or not according to client’s specifications. This depends on whether the client wants the 100% matches to be reviewed during translation and editing stages or is happy to translate only once and rely on previous translations. It makes sense sometimes to check material from previous translation projects when there have been plenty of hands at work over the years.
- Translator / Linguist: Terminology database + updated TM + MT (if applicable). Translators, whether internal or external resources, must carry out their own QA prior to sending their work to Pangeanic. They must fill a checklist form stating that checks such as consistency, spelling, numbers, etc. have been carried out. Any defective work is sent back to the translator until fixed.
- Editor: Runs a first check using professional checking tools like XBench /QA Distiller. The editor uploads checklists and runs a QA over all files for consistency, numbers, missing items, punctuation, DNT, etc.This step may involve discussion and feedback to and from the translator. The editor finally approves the file and sends the file to the Project Manager.
- Project Manager: ensures that all QA checks have taken place looking at the report from the tools and feedback between the editor and the translator.
- If contracted, final proof-reading/ DTP take place. Desktop publishing processes undergo their own QA steps before publication. An independent proof-reader reads the work with and without any reference to the original, as a general reader would read the work in order to ensure absolute fluency in the target language.
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