Expert Researcher Lianet Sepúlveda has joined Pangeanic as part of EU Expert project to advance machine translation research Lianet Sepúlveda Torres...
Expert Researcher Alexander Raginsky has joined Pangeanic as part of EU Expert project to advance machine translation research
Alexander brings more than 15 years experience in developing software of different kinds. Being fluent in 5 languages ( Russian, Ukrainian, Hebrew, English and Spanish), language technologies have always attracted his personal interest, although they started to be the focus of his professional career only few years ago. Alex started his career at Intel Israel as a CAD Software Engineer focusing on Big Data approaches and algorithms for resistance and capacitance extraction. Four years ago, Alexander relocated to Amsterdam and started working for TomTom in the navigation department developing algorithms for map matching. At the same time, he started to get interested in Natural Language Processing, which led him to co-found NLP People, a portal dedicated to careers in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Data Mining. For the last 2 years Alex has been involved part-time in a couple of NLP-powered startups (Cirqle, Platica) which inspired him to make a full-time shift to the NLP domain and its particular applications such as text retrieval, dialogue systems and machine translation. Alexander holds B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Quality Assurance and Reliability, both from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. His thesis focused on machine learning approaches to predict a number of software faults by code review.I am glad to join EXPERT project and looking forward to work with the brightest minds in NLP & Machine Translation! I hope to contribute my extensive industry experience to improve PangeaMT software and learn new ideas from the academia.
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