Try ECO LLM Try ECO Translate

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Pangeanic at ACL 2013 - Linguistic Computing

Pangeanic attended ACL 2013 conference, which was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) this year from 4th to August 9th. The company was represented by Alex Helle, from Pangeanic's Research and Development Department. Alex comes from a strong research background at the University of Alacant and famous Valencia's Polytechnic, which is an international hub for machine translation developments. Alex Helle has been involved in several developments and improvements of Pangeanic's PangeaMT platform. ACL is one of the major conferences in the field of computer linguistics, covering many research areas including machine translation. The last two days of the conference were devoted to various kinds of workshops, including the " Eighth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation", which took place over two entire days. Machine translation tasks and systems focused in the following languages:
  • English-German and German-English
  • English-French and French-English
  • English-Spanish and Spanish-English
  • English-Czech and Czech-English
  • English-Russian and Russian-English
The University of Edinburgh, using Moses systems, achieved 4 top places the first in the 10 translation tasks. The rest of participants managed to sneak equally at the top, except in the English <-> Russian combination where the Carnegie Mellon University, PROMT and anonymous online systems (which participated but did not provide their names) were the winners.