As spring approaches and we all look forward to better weathers after a long, hard-work winter, we received some news about an interesting effort by...
statistical machine-translation technology designed for integration into third-party web properties has now reached its Beta stage. The latest development, announced at TechEd Europe is also synonymous with the Redmond company opening up access to the
Microsoft Translator Widget and the Microsoft Translator AJAX API. Prior to TechEd Europe, both the Translator widget and the application programming interface were only available on an invitation-only basis. This move follows the current push to offer more and more machine-translation integration, a trend followed by several language companies, like Pangeanic. Language Service Providers have been feeling the pressure on technology innovation for some time now. Sharing initiatives like
TDA have paved the way for an increase in the availability of data which in turn has accelerated several developments. In other occasions, TDA initiative has made possible the birth of
new revenue streams for LSP's. With this new Beta, website owners who want to make use of Microsoft Translator technology into their online content can do so with no limitations as the Beta program is public. In a nutshell, the company is enabling all customers to generate either a snippet or application based on its own MT technology. Website owners only need to visit the widget and AJAX API adoption portals, and get the generated code from there. Vikram Dendi, from the Microsoft Translator team, highlighted a few points of interest from TechEd Europe: “Microsoft Translator APIs and the webpage widget are now in beta. Generate a translator widget for your webpage here, or use the AJAX API to further customize the translation experience."
Next time you think languages, think Pangeanic
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