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7th Machine Translation Marathon 2012

The MosesCore consortium, an EU Project aimed at promoting open source machine translation,  is sponsoring the Machine Translation Marathon 2012.

The event will be held at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and will take place on 3-8 September 2012. The Machine Translation (MT) Marathon gathers researchers, developers, students and also users of machine translation.  Published results are often a source of innovation and research among the increasingly avid MT community. Currently at its 7th edition, the MT Marathon travels to different European Universities involved in machine translation development. For example, the last 6th Machine Translation Marathon took place in Trento, Italy, at the Fondazine Bruno Kessler (FBK) in September 2011 and it was promoted by the Moses EU programs EuroMatrix and EuroMatrixplus. The First MT Marathon also took place at the University of Edinburgh seven years ago. The 7th edition comes back to Edinburgh and is organized by the Statistical MT group of the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh.

This week long event will include lectures and labs on machine translation, ranging from beginners tutorials tutorials to showcase talks by leading researchers. Everyone can learn or strengthen their knowledge. Technical talks about open source tools for MT.  Week-long open source machine translation  hacking projects, led by experienced developers and researchers.

There are several ways you can participate in the MT Marathon as attending lectures and labs: these range from beginners tutorials to showcase talks by leading researchers. Everybody can learn or strengthen their knowledge! Attending technical talks about open-source tools for MT  taking part in open source MT hacking projects, led by experienced developers and researchers.

You can download a pdf copy of the program clicking this link.


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