Two members of our team took part in the Marie Curie project EXPERT Summer School meeting in Dublin in August 2014. As coordinators of the event...
by Manuel Herranz Pangeanic attended two major events during November, promoting its flexible
machine translation technologies to translation experts/LSPs and corporate users. We also took part in the first training event of the
EU's Marie Curie EXPERT program which aims at training young researchers in hybrid machine translation technologies and link up experienced researchers with industry. [caption id="attachment_1198" align="alignright" width="197"]
Traditional Japanese music at Tekom[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1199" align="alignright" width="198"]
TAUS' Razheb Choudhury - Manuel Herranz (Pangeanic) - Diego Bartolome (Tauyou)[/caption] Tekom concentrated pretty much on terminology management this year. With machine translation now being mainstream in most LSPs, or being adopted to some degree, we were happy to see that worth of a mouth as a result of practical use of PangeaMT by adopters is the best publicity for a technology developed free-of-chains. Despite typical noise by some developers, more and more LSPs are becoming increasingly interested in
owning a technology which empowers them to grow and become technologically savvy, as well as enabling them to design better solutions to their clients, without being technological dependent. [caption id="attachment_1200" align="alignright" width="266"]
Lucia Specia - Post-Editing Presentation[/caption] Pangeanic's technology has been made available as a powerful platform to language service providers and corporations for some years. This has led the company to become part of national research projects and currently a hosting organization where young and experienced researchers will learn and develop
novel hybridation skills in the field. The first event within the EXPERT project was held in Birmingham and organized by Wolverhampton University. The project brings academia and industry together, and aims at training the next generation of researchers at leading European institutions, research centres and
technology companies. Apart from being an accolade to work already done, industrial partners such as Pangeanic will be able to expand machine translation capabilities, language combinations and new hybridation and combination techniques in several areas, making the best of computer-assisted translation and machine translation technologies (example-based, statistical and hybrid approaches) as well as including input from respected figures in post-editing research.
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