Translation Services for Manufacturing Has Increased | Pangeanic

Written by Carla Estefanía | 04/16/16
The importance of translation has been growing in the manufacturing industry. This has occurred due to the reasons that we’re going to discuss below. Technical translations, in particular, present a challenge. It’s crucial that instructions to different parts of the business or outside companies are followed to a tee.  


Lately, all businesses have become more reliant on the potential of outsourcing. The manufacturing industry is no exception. In fact, it’s usually the industry that’s leading the charge. Outsourcing is the process of using out of house resources to complete a job within a company. This is usually done to save money, time, and resources. Theoretically, an outsourcing company could be just down the road from the business. But usually, these transactions occur on an international level. The reason for this is that outsourcing businesses often stay profitable due to cheaper labor laws or tax incentives. These usually occur in other regions from the buying company. For instance, China is famous for its lenient labor laws. Many major businesses like Apple use outsourcing companies there. If you are outsourcing to international companies, the language must be clear. You can not afford to lose anything in translation. Technical translations ensure the product or process is completed to the best possible quality.  

International Trade

But it’s not just outsourcing that has shifted the focus on translation in manufacturing. Many manufacturers aren’t catering to local demand. They are reaching out to an international population.These days it’s cheaper to trade internationally. Businesses can run on a global level while keeping costs low. But again, translation services must be used. Otherwise, it won’t be possible to make business deals and form contracts with foreign buyers. With the right translation service, business deals can be set up easily, usually online. A face to face meeting won’t always be necessary if all the information the buyer needs is readily available.  

Getting Leads

To get these international business deals, companies have to be able to use leads. When a business is looking for leads in a country with a different native language, translation again plays an important part. The manufacturing website needs to be set, so businesses know what they’re buying. Again, technical translations are important because they can be tricky. If one small detail is missed, it can change the concept of what’s being offered and sold completely. Business leads are only going to be interested in buying if they know exactly what they are looking at.  

International Workforce

Lastly, there’s the workforce. In the USA alone a massive section of the population does not speak English as a native language. However, these employees may still be the best workers for the job with the most skill. A manufacturing company will be able to hire them if they have the business materials they need. But the correct translations of these materials also need to be readily available. This is why manufacturers have become one of the biggest users of translation services.