Translation File Formats | Pangeanic

Written by Amando Estela | 10/10/13

What are the most common formats for a translation? Can you translate my document in my format? What file formats can I use for translation?

We are often asked this question before receiving a translation job. As a professional translation company, we must provide the highest compatibility with all the formats our clients use for publication. Our responsibility as professional translators that offer translation solutions is to know your formats and provide a translation in the same format in which you send us the text. You will see a table with the most common formats below. Whether you need translation for your mobile apps, software strings, websites, documents or the translation of images (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, eps, tiff, psd, etc.) or audiovisual format for subtitling, we are ready to help! Here is a summary of the most common translation formats and platforms we work with.

Mobile Platforms

Only around 25% of smartphone users are native English speakers - and that figure includes the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, etc. Just as an example, the Apple App Store is available in 120 countries and the Android Market, in 130. Nonetheless, many  mobile applications are available in English only. Thus, localizing a mobile application to several foreign languages can greatly expand customer reach. Several market studies and statistics show that the translation of a mobile app to the top 13 common languages will extend the reach to at least 80% of international mobile users. The top languages belong to several EU and BRIC countries: Spanish (for Spain and Latin America), German, French, Portuguese (Brazil), Italian, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Swedish.

Mobile platform supported file formats:

xml, strings, rrc, Symbian resource, resx, ts, android, IOS, blackberry, Windows phone... whichever format your file may be encapsulated in, our technical team is here to make your translation process as smooth as possible, into all the languages you need!

XML files for Android devices


.strings files for AppleTM


rrc files for BlackBerryTM devices


.strings format files for WindowsTM devices


ts format files for cross-platform application framework and widget toolkit (classic and embedded graphical user interfaces), and applications


Other mobile app formats upon request


Document translation and website translation

Remember that translation processes are different from publishing processes. If you are wondering "What file formats can I use for translation?", do not despair: we are the professional translation company you can trust. We use translation industry technologies to recycle your previous texts, develop terminology lists, make use of your previous translations and thus be consistent in style and terminology again and again. These technologies are known as "translation tools" (computer assisted translation, not machine translation) and will save you time and money by re-using previously translated segments.

Document and website translation supported file formats:

XLIFF, XML, HTML, txt, csv, odt, ott, ots, odg, otg, odp, otp and Microsoft TM family formats such as docx, dotx, xslx, xlts, pptx, potx, Microsoft TM family legacy formats such as doc, ppt, xls, pdf, dot, mlf, idml and more.... whichever the original format of your file, our technical support team and desktop publishing specialists will provide a true version of your document in any language you need!  

xml and xliff files for translation program interface


Website translation: WordPress, Joomla, eCommerce sites, dynamic website content, etc.

.html, .htm, .xhtml, .xht

Microsoft OfficeTM format files

.docx, .dotx, .xlsx, .xltx, .pptx, .potx,

OpenOffice file format

.odt, .ott, .ods, .ots, odg, .otg, odp, .otp

LibreOffice file format

.odt, .ott, .ods, .ots, odg, .otg, odp, .otp

RTF files from any word-processing package


AdobeTM FrameMaker files, including legacy

.fm, .mif

AdobeTM InDesign files, including legacy

.IDML, legacy .inx files, .indd

PDF and ePUB files

.pdf, .pub, etc.

Software translation and localization

If you need software translations, it is because you have developed an application, program or platform which you wish to translate into other languages for users in different countries. A great variety of documents in several formats which need to be translated is generated within the field of IT/ Computer Science/ Informatics: from on-screen messages on a company's website to PDFs, ebooks, the information the company provides about its applications and platforms, not to mention the  translation of its technical manuals. Terminological coherence between all of these areas is paramount in order to ensure the user has a flawless experience while using the platform, software, video game or application.

Software translation and localization file formats

MicrosoftTM .NET


Javascript, JavaProperties (Msg), Java server pages

.strings, .js, .properties, .java

Windows file formats for translation (including resource compiler)

.ersw, .resjson, .RC

GNU GetText file formats for translation

.po, .pot

GitHub DKLang file formats for translation

.dklang .lng

Generic INI files


Generic Portable Object


Ruby on Rails and YAML file formats for translation


Mozilla strings, Chrome json, Joomla ini file formats for translation

.strings, .json, .ini

Other software formats upon request



Remember that translation processes are different from publishing processes. We are a professional translation company and we use translation industry technologies in order to provide the highest quality and efficiency. Our project managers will guide you through the process so that you never have to ask yourself "What file formats can I use for translation?", and you can translate and publish more and more in all languages that are a priority to you in order to reach your audience and potential markets. Document translation is obviously extremely important for all kind of corporations, legal firms, consultants, universities, institutions, etc. Pangeanic works for automotive firms, financial institutions, governments, and a myriad of organizations that require translation services. Proper translation of documents and digital content reduces the costs of international customer support, as the documents can be used on the web. And careful, professional document translation services increase customer loyalty. Click here to ask about other formats you want to translate or to request a translation quote.