Pangeanic / PangeaMT were pleased to cooperate with the Localization World Organizing Committee and became Gala Dinner Sponsors, an event attended by over 400 international delegates of a total 550 attending this conference edition, the largest in number of participants and one of the most successful editions to date.
This was an extraordinary setting to discuss collaboration and representation avenues, sales opportunities and most importantly, demo our PangeaMT DIY technology while first analyzing customized translation automation needs with our interlocutors.
Apart from exhibiting PangeaMT, also with a focus on the post-editing and other top-notch linguistic services that Pangeanic may offer, Manuel Herranz and Elia Yuste also took part in the Conference program as speakers at the E7 track hosted by Jaap van der Meer (TAUS) and entitled MT Experiences at IBM, Sony Europe and Sybase. Fausto Prastaro (Sony UK) and Elia Yuste and Kerstin Bier (Sybase, a SAP company) and Manuel Herranz presented their two respective use cases. Presentations available upon request.
We are looking forward to seeing Localization World happening in Spain again in future spring time editions and are happy to confirm our participation to the next edition of the Conference in Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, California, in October’11.