English to Spanish Text | Pangeanic

Written by Amando Estela | 01/18/14
"I need to translate a text from English into Spanish" and "I need to translate a document from Spanish to English" are two common requests we hear or read in emails every day at Pangeanic. The translation of English documents into Spanish and translating Spanish texts into English are some of our most popular combinations. Speak to Pangeanic if you are looking for accurate Spanish translation services at competitive prices. Technology makes us efficient and fast, we do not cut corners nor underpay our Spanish translators. We discussed the importance of multilingual websites to internationalize a company in a previous article. Many studies suggest that when making a purchase decision or when looking for information, Internet users opt for sections or websites in their native language. Many online purchasing choices are based precisely on this fact. [caption id="attachment_2530" align="alignright" width="248"] A Spanish Translation Memory Database[/caption] It is clear that having a reliable translation service to translate documents from English to Spanish is essential nowadays. But you need more than that. You need that the translation company you hire has a capable human resources policy for Spanish translators. Companies with translation needs have very different requirements. From publishing daily content to large translation jobs (manuals, contracts, technical specifications). This is when you need expert English Spanish translators with the best translation tools in the market to
  • Analyze the text and offer document translation management services.
  • Use translation databases. This way you can "recycle" your old translations and never pay twice for the same sentence or even similar phrases.
  • Develop terminology listings that will apply to all translation projects. Establishing terminology criteria is essential. Within your specialist field (engineering, medicine, software) and probably at your own company, you use terms to differentiate yourself from others. Some documents cannot be translated without the client providing preferential terms beforehand. Many companies use terminology as a differentiator in the market: enforcing company terminology means that users identify general concepts with your brand. We all have in mind many examples in which the name of a brand or product has eventually become generic.
  • Provide native speaker editing and proofreading services/review. We use of tools to verify that style and terminology have been respected.
Contact Pangeanic and let us know that you need English Spanish translation services.