First LSP creating SMT division deploying TDA data

Written by M.Ángeles García | 06/28/10
TAUS Data Association (TDA) highlights in a new online report the fact that Pangeanic is a first example of a LSP company that, making extensive use* of TDA data, has succeeded in creating a new Statistical Machine Translation division, PangeaMT. In so doing, Pangeanic then evolves from being a well-established language service provider to becoming an innovative language technology solution provider that supports and benefits from globalization industry data-geared initiatives, such as TAUS´s TDA. PangeaMT provides industry specific statistical machine translation (SMT) engines for automotive, consumer electronics, and industrial sectors. The service was launched in 2009 at a recent TAUS User Conference with an offer to train engines for free for companies seriously looking into deploying open source MT with a TMX workflow. If you would like to know more about PangeaMT´s current Spring campaign, please contact us. * Worth pointing out that Pangeanic leads the TDA data downloaders´ list, well ahead companies, such as Lionbridge, Oracle or WeLocalize. Downloaded data: 302,334,953 words. Info collated by TAUS Data Association and distributed to their partners at the end of March 2010.